<TITLE>Flashing Color Scroll Bars</TITLE>
<SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
//Flashing Color Scroll Bars
//By John Farquharson twisepk@yahoo.com
//From Site http://www.XooX.co.il
var the_col = [ "red", "orange", "yellow", "orange" ];//add remove colors for arrow colors
var my_col = [ "orange", "yellow", "red", "yellow" ];//add remove colors for face color
var index = -1;
var speed = 50;//adjust speed of flash for arrow and face colors here
var my_timeout;
function myScrlbarClr()
if (index >= the_col.length){
index = 0;
document.body.style.scrollbarTrackColor = "orange";
document.body.style.scrollbar3dLightColor = "#FF0000";
document.body.style.scrollbarArrowColor = the_col[index];
document.body.style.scrollbarFaceColor = my_col[index];
document.body.style.scrollbarHighlightColor = "#52B552";
document.body.style.scrollbarShadowColor = "#FFE7B6";
document.body.style.scrollbarDarkShadowColor = "blue";
my_timeout = setTimeout('myScrlbarClr();', speed);
<BODY bgColor=#ffffff onload=myScrlbarClr();>
<FORM name=my_form><INPUT onclick="setTimeout('myScrlbarClr();', speed);" type=button value="Start Flashing" name=my_button>
<INPUT onclick=clearTimeout(my_timeout); type=button value="Stop Flashing" name=my_button>
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